You've reached the online home of Jason Clark (aka riceboyler) and my personal web site. I wear many different hats and have a few different titles:
Like most full-time employed web developers, my personal site always seems to come last. It was the same when I was a car audio installer, my car was always the worst looking install (though I did make it sound good!).
Initially, I'll work on the responsive side of things, as I know this isn't mobile friendly yet. Then, I'll probably only get the Resume/CV page built, because I plan to use this as a bit of a portfolio in and of itself. Eventually, I'll add a blog, a portfolio, a contact page, my car history, and the pretty crazy story of my finding my biological family.
I used a bunch of modern technology (as of late 2021, updating in late 2023) to build this site. Here goes:
Some thoughts about UI Libraries (click to expand)